At Le Cigaro, we're delighted to introduce our prestigious Cigar Training Academy, where enthusiasts of all levels can embark on a journey to master the art of cigar appreciation. Whether you're a novice looking to explore the world of cigars or a seasoned connoisseur seeking to deepen your knowledge, our academy offers a comprehensive range of classes tailored to suit every skill level and interest
Driven by a passion for cigars and a dedication to excellence, Le Cigaro Cigar Training Academy is committed to providing an immersive and enriching educational experience. Our academy brings together expert instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and a diverse curriculum to create a learning environment that is both informative and enjoyable.
Beginner Classes : Perfect for those new to the world of cigars, our beginner classes provide a comprehensive introduction to cigar basics. Participants will learn about cigar anatomy, how to properly cut and light a cigar, understanding flavor profiles, and the fundamentals of pairing cigars with beverages
Intermediate Classes : Designed for enthusiasts with some experience, our intermediate classes delve deeper into the nuances of cigar craftsmanship and appreciation. Topics may include exploring different cigar regions and tobacco varieties, honing sensory evaluation skills, and mastering advanced cigar techniques.
Master Classes : For seasoned aficionados and cigar sommeliers looking to elevate their expertise, our master classes offer a sophisticated exploration of the art and science of cigars. Participants will delve into topics such as cigar aging, blending techniques, rare and vintage cigars, and the history and culture of cigars
Our classes are led by knowledgeable instructors who are passionate about cigars and dedicated to providing a supportive and engaging learning experience.
From practical demonstrations to guided tastings, our classes offer hands-on opportunities for participants to apply their knowledge and refine their skills.
Whether you're a beginner or an expert, our academy offers a diverse range of classes to suit every level of interest and expertise.
Joining our academy provides opportunities to connect with fellow enthusiasts, share experiences, and build lasting relationships within the cigar community.
Discover the art of cigar appreciation and join us at Le Cigaro Cigar Training Academy. Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of cigars or seeking to deepen your expertise, our classes offer an unparalleled opportunity to learn, explore, and indulge in the timeless pleasure of cigar craftsmanship.